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Cam Caminero
May 10, 20234 min read
10 Scientific Benefits of Being a Dog Owner
1. YOU GET SICK LESS OFTEN. If cleaning commercials are to be believed, humanity is in the midst of a war against germs—and we shouldn't...
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Cam Caminero
May 10, 20234 min read
The Frenchie Becomes a Favorite — and a Dog-Show Contender
French bulldogs are ranked as the United States’ favorite dog breed, yet none has ever won the nation’s pre-eminent dog show. The United...
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Cam Caminero
May 10, 202311 min read
The Best Dog. Is there really such a thing?
A dear friend called me to discuss an issue that has existed in our community for a long time, but seems to be getting worse — or maybe...
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Cam Caminero
Mar 25, 20232 min read
Benefits of Putting Your Dog in Doggy Daycare
There are many benefits to putting your dog in doggy daycare. Here are some of the main ones: Socialization: Doggy daycare provides a...
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